
Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 in a Nutshell

Life is so amazing! God is so amazing!

I have manifested so many magnificent people into my life this year as I have mentioned in prior posts.

This year we went to Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within in March and conquered my fears as a firewalker. I married an amazing, caring and handsome man and my best friend, Danny. We honeymooned in California at Tony Robbins Life & Wealth Mastery. We dramatically changed what we put into our bodies this year and I made the decision to take care of my physical health and have been going to the gym this entire year, not missing more than a few weeks only twice this year! I lost almost 30 lbs!!!!!!!!!! And most importantly the information that we have learned, my husband and I have been able to share with our families that have major health problems. That alone is blessing to be able to pay it forward to those that we love!

My husband's business taking off and my light bulb going off for my new business I'll be launching in the near future to combine my connecting skills! :)

The people I have met this year have made my life even more joyful, fulfilled, happy, energetic, spiritual and I can't thank god enough for bringing them into my life! I am surrounding myself with those that have awesome attitudes and are successful and I'd say I'm doing a pretty darn good job! :)

The amount of money I have spent on these events is priceless because of the value that I have taken from each of them and the people that have come into my life that I wouldn't have met if I hadn't decided I wanted more in my life!

So thank you for being in my life and cheers to a fabulous 2010! :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Life's really been a fantastic roller coaster the past few weeks so I am sitting here this Friday afternoon reflecting on it! :) I believe everything happens for a reason and I haven't been miss positive all that much lately, but things turned around (as they always do!) I have been helping my husband with his business and this week it's really taking off! It had an awesome growth in October, was steady in November, but is taking off again in December, during this so called recession!!!! I love it!!!! The company is coming out with a weight loss product in January and we'll learn more about it when we go to Florida in January! Danny is really respected in the company and they have asked him to translate videos into spanish which has been a wonderful process to watch him complete as well! It's just so exciting to see my husband excelling at something that I've always known he could do, it just happens to be the right 'time' now.....

The same night I attended Rosa's magnificent Potluck/Networking Night and was just surrounded with the healthiest, most energetic, happy, inspirational people! :) What a wonderful feeling! :D And I was just flourished with love and gifts! My good friend, Chris Makell, who god brought into my life, gave me the best gift I've ever received that brought tears to my eyes! The most amazing part about our friendship is that we have only known one another for maybe two or so months, yet we connected immediately and are so close now! She is a career transition coach and is a phenomenal woman that I admire, respect and love!

I have been reading a lot of articles on starting your own business and am excited to be meeting with Chris and Amy in the coming weeks to brainstorm some more on how to get this business I have been talking about going!!! I promise to keep you all posted because I KNOW I CAN DO IT!! :)

Have an OUTSTANDING weekend and please, all comments and feedback are welcome! :) Hugs

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hi and thanks again for choosing to follow my blog and read this entry! I have had an amazing week so far and it's only WEDNESDAY!!!! Our meetup group met last night in our home and the magnificent Chris Makell did a presentation on creating your 2010 Money Breakthrough's NOW! :) We had such a variety of entrepreneurs at our home it was awesome! From a gentleman that sells copiers to an insurance rep to a photographer!

In the midst of this past week an exciting idea came to me while driving home! (Usually they come to me in the shower! hehe) Everyone always tells me I should be in Public Relations and that I am so good with people! (I'd agree with this!) So I thought.... Why don't I start my own company where I can promote others, their businesses and events, and continue introducing them to those that I know? I decided to post this idea on Facebook to reach out to my network and continue developing this idea. A friend of mine, Amy DiPippo suggested I be a personal marketing specialist where people could hire me to market their business and get them exposed via my network and online. I was thinking to possibly create a website. My friend Amy and I scheduled a brainstorming session and my dear friend Chris Makell that I greatly admire and respect, are planning a brainstorming session next week!

My point is ask and you shall receive! I reached out to my husband's mentor this week and asked him to give him a mid-week call for a little boost and by all means he called him! Then I received a beautiful praise for being a wonderful, loving and supportive wife! I love that AJ looked at it that way and it made me appreciate what I do for my husband more!

I am excited to see how my concept is going to develop and I'm so glad that I've put it out there to all of you. This way you can keep me accountable as I'm sure you'll be anxious now to see how it is going to progress!
*Any ideas, thoughts or feedback you may have on my idea or on any of my blogs are greatly appreciated!*

Happy Holidays and remember ~People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel ~ This is my favorite quote by Maya Angelou! Hugs, Heather

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hott off the press! Interview with ME! :)

Interview with Heather Nieves, Nutritional Educator

Interview with Heather Nieves, a profile of Connecticut's women in business by New Haven County Women In Business. Heather Nieves is a nutritional educator and hosts wellness presentations to educate others about heath and Juice Plus. Click here to read the entire interview!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Change is Good!

I often delay in writing blogs because I have so much to say and share! I want to write about change, networking, health, my personal experiences and more! So I thought I would just begin by typing and seeing what comes to mind first today...

Last night my husband and I attended an awesome meetup group hosted by the amazing Rosa Conti! Alissa Monteleone spoke about Living Mindfully and making small changes by focusing on one at a time. It's interesting because Loren Slocum, who I admire and respect so much, wrote an amazing book called Life Tuneups that is in line with the same topic. I highly recommend it (and you can get it by clicking on it in my favorites link on this blog!) :) I met Loren this past summer at her book launch in Westport, CT and she is very down to earth, truly lives what she teaches and I greatly respect that!

During Rosa's introduction she so kindly mentioned our new meetup group, Networking Dynamics that my husband, Danny and I recently created. To me that was so sweet of her, I got so excited! Just like when Chris Makell tells me I'm so amazing and says Danny and I inspire her! I'm mentioning this because it surprises me when people do and say these things because I don't expect it. Alissa talked about that during her presentation as well. Give to others and don't expect anything back and it will come back to you tenfold!

I promote others all of the time. I've been told I should get into PR! But I genuinely love helping others and promoting them and their business! When I say this out loud or write about the kind things others do for me and say about me, it helps me realize what goes around truly does come around! :)

I want to keep this short, but during the presentation, Alissa also mentioned making time for spirituality. That really hit home because I recently created time for my spirituality and it has brought me so much peace and happiness. Whatever it is that brings you spirituality, whether it is a higher power, taking a bath, sitting in the woods, I highly recommend making that time for yourself daily, if not weekly. I attend many personal development events and work on my business, health, relationships and finally made time for my spiritual life! I just wanted to share that because I truly believe everything happens for a reason and a person came into my life recently and brought me back in touch with my spirituality and oh does it feel good!

I always end anything I write with Hugs or Magnificence or Outstanding, so please make your night or day full of all of the above! :)