
Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 in a Nutshell

Life is so amazing! God is so amazing!

I have manifested so many magnificent people into my life this year as I have mentioned in prior posts.

This year we went to Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within in March and conquered my fears as a firewalker. I married an amazing, caring and handsome man and my best friend, Danny. We honeymooned in California at Tony Robbins Life & Wealth Mastery. We dramatically changed what we put into our bodies this year and I made the decision to take care of my physical health and have been going to the gym this entire year, not missing more than a few weeks only twice this year! I lost almost 30 lbs!!!!!!!!!! And most importantly the information that we have learned, my husband and I have been able to share with our families that have major health problems. That alone is blessing to be able to pay it forward to those that we love!

My husband's business taking off and my light bulb going off for my new business I'll be launching in the near future to combine my connecting skills! :)

The people I have met this year have made my life even more joyful, fulfilled, happy, energetic, spiritual and I can't thank god enough for bringing them into my life! I am surrounding myself with those that have awesome attitudes and are successful and I'd say I'm doing a pretty darn good job! :)

The amount of money I have spent on these events is priceless because of the value that I have taken from each of them and the people that have come into my life that I wouldn't have met if I hadn't decided I wanted more in my life!

So thank you for being in my life and cheers to a fabulous 2010! :)


  1. Heather,

    I am thankful for the opportunity to get to know you this past year. I look forward to our friendship growing and seeing you launch and succeed in your business. Have a Happy New Year and see you soon.


  2. Heather- can't wait to hear more about your new business! As great as 2009 was I can't wait to see what 2010 brings all of us.
