
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hi and thanks again for choosing to follow my blog and read this entry! I have had an amazing week so far and it's only WEDNESDAY!!!! Our meetup group met last night in our home and the magnificent Chris Makell did a presentation on creating your 2010 Money Breakthrough's NOW! :) We had such a variety of entrepreneurs at our home it was awesome! From a gentleman that sells copiers to an insurance rep to a photographer!

In the midst of this past week an exciting idea came to me while driving home! (Usually they come to me in the shower! hehe) Everyone always tells me I should be in Public Relations and that I am so good with people! (I'd agree with this!) So I thought.... Why don't I start my own company where I can promote others, their businesses and events, and continue introducing them to those that I know? I decided to post this idea on Facebook to reach out to my network and continue developing this idea. A friend of mine, Amy DiPippo suggested I be a personal marketing specialist where people could hire me to market their business and get them exposed via my network and online. I was thinking to possibly create a website. My friend Amy and I scheduled a brainstorming session and my dear friend Chris Makell that I greatly admire and respect, are planning a brainstorming session next week!

My point is ask and you shall receive! I reached out to my husband's mentor this week and asked him to give him a mid-week call for a little boost and by all means he called him! Then I received a beautiful praise for being a wonderful, loving and supportive wife! I love that AJ looked at it that way and it made me appreciate what I do for my husband more!

I am excited to see how my concept is going to develop and I'm so glad that I've put it out there to all of you. This way you can keep me accountable as I'm sure you'll be anxious now to see how it is going to progress!
*Any ideas, thoughts or feedback you may have on my idea or on any of my blogs are greatly appreciated!*

Happy Holidays and remember ~People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel ~ This is my favorite quote by Maya Angelou! Hugs, Heather

1 comment:

  1. Heather,
    Your message makes my day. You are always a positive energy and full of great information..
    Best of luck in this endeavor!
    Margaret Waage
